(Photo: Orestes Gonzalez)


Eleanor Rahim was born in London. Always drawing and painting as a child, she eventually went on to obtain a Foundation Course in Art and Design and a BA (Hons) Graphic Design. Art history, fine art, illustration, photography and printmaking were studied within the graphic design degree program. Since relocating to New York City in 2007, Rahim has been recognized by the Art Students League of New York and was awarded the prestigious Red Dot Commendation in her first group show. In short time she has gained a number of collectors. Rahim has had the privilege to study with color field abstract painter Ronnie Landfield at the League, figurative artist Jon DeMartin at the classical atelier, Grand Central Academy of Art and Rick Piloco at Chelsea Classical Studio. Rahim lives in Manhattan and works in her studio in Long Island City, Queens.


I make order from the disordered world around me. It is my desire to evoke a positive feeling and sense of peace in what can be a troubled world, environmentally, socially and politically. I am inspired by texture, abstracted shapes, color, reflections, beauty, decay and renewal. The Atlantic Ocean and its ever changing state, serves as a metaphor for human emotions. It is my constant source of wonder and inspiration whichever perspective I view it from. As a British expat living in the US, my view is often from the east coast of the United States, Cornwall in the UK and Barbados in the West Indies. The new Mid Atlantic series allows me to explore the intersection of abstraction and representation, together with classical painting techniques and contemporary experimentation.